2017 Conference Program

20th Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International Conference
Seattle, WA January 25-26, 2017
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Observations Lead the Way

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

There will be an Atmospheric Science 101 session offered in conjunction with the conference this year in Seattle. RSVP is required due to space limitations. Join us! See the flyer for more details.

Abstracts and recorded presentations are available from the conference program at the AMS website

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
ASLI program, Data Stewardship Joint Session and dinner
Washington State Convention Center. Room: Chelan 5

8:00am On site Registration
8:30am Session 1:  Welcome Address and Introductions
Amy Butros, Chair, Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI), UCSD
9:00am Session 2:  Keynote:
Data-Driven Design [of the World’s Greenest Building]

Robert Pena, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Washington
10:00am Break
10:30am Joint Session 11: Data Stewardship:  Making Historical Data Available for Modern Science (Hosts:  Joint between the 20th Conference of Atmospheric Science Librarians International; and the 33rd Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies)
Co-Chair:  Matthew S. Mayernik, NCAR

11.1: Enabling Direct User Capacity Planning for Data Storage
Michael E. Fotta, Global Science & Technology, Inc., Fairmont, WV
10:45am 11.2: Making Historical Data Discoverable
Christina J. de Groot-Lief, NOAA/NCEI
Co-authors: Nancy Ritchey, NOAA/NCEI
Scott Hausman, NOAA/NCEI
11:00am 11.3: Assessing and Increasing the Utility of Historical Weather Data
Matthew S. Mayernik, NCAR Library, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Julie Huddle, University of Denver
11:15am 11.4: Information Without Borders: The Challenge of Connecting Disparate Data and Information Resources
Shannon Christoffersen Vossepoel, Manager, Data and Information Services, Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary
11:30am 11.5: Lost Data is Found: Rescuing Geostationary Weather Satellite Data from 1975-1979 (Invited Presentation)
Jerrold Robaidek, University of Wisconsin-Madison
11:45am Questions & Discussion
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 3: Measuring Institutional Strengths through Literature Analysis
Moderator:  Gloria Aversano, NOAA Libraries, Miami


3.1: The Research Output of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Gene Major, Library Associates, NASA/GSFC Library

1:45pm 3.2: Building Organizational Metrics Services in the UCAR/NCAR Library
Matt Mayernik, Keith Maull, Michaeleen Trimarchi
NCAR Library, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
2:00pm 3.3: Bibliometrics at NOAA
Jan Thomas, NOAA, College Park, MD
2:15pm 3.4: The Case for a Disciplinary Open Access Preprint Server for the Atmospheric Sciences
Jean Phillips, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2:30pm Break and Formal Poster Viewing
4:00pm Session 4: ASLI Choice Book Awards
4:45pm Session 5: Northwest and Arctic Climate:  Past and Present
Moderator:  Eugene Major, NASA/GSFC Library


5.1: An Integrated Data Rescue-to-Reanalysis Program for Arctic Research (Invited Presentation)
Kevin Wood, NOAA/PMEL, UW JISAO and M. Lapides, P. Brohan, M. Mollan, and P. Wyszy?ski

5:15pm 5.2: Causes and Effects of the Recent Warming in the NE Pacific (Invited Presentation)
Dr. Nicholas A. Bond, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington
5:30pm Sessions end for the day
7:00pm Annual ASLI Dinner at Ivar’s.  (0.8 miles from Convention Center)

Thursday, January 26, 2017
ASLI Program, Vendor Updates
Washington State Convention Center. Room: Chelan 5

8:00am One day on-site Registration
8:30am Session 6: AMS and MGA Updates
Moderator:  Christine Lippucci, National Weather Center Library


6.1: AMS Publications: The Year in Review and Forecast for 2017
Ken Heideman, AMS, Director of Publications

8:45am 6.2: AMS Books Program
Sarah Jane Shangraw, AMS Books Managing Editor
9:00am 6.3: AMS Monographs:  The Changing Publishing Landscape
Mike Friedman, AMS Journals Production Manager
9:15am 6.4: ProQuest Atmospheric Science Collection & MGA Database and Legacy
Marguerite Quinn, ProQuest, Senior Product Manager
9:30am Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
10:30am Session 7: Engaging the public with Northwest Climate Science
Moderator:  Lisa Fish, University of Miami Libraries


7.1: The Challenge of Communicating Climate Change
Jeff Renner, Chief Meteorologist, KING5 TV (Retired)

11:15am 7.2: Weather Reference Information You Did Not Know!
Ted Buehner, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service – Seattle, AMS Member
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 8: Innovative services at ASLI institutions
Moderator:  Mike Robinson, Dept. of Commerce Boulder Labs Library8.1: Reaching Out by Inviting In: Using Inreach to Develop Connections with Library Users
Kari Anderson, University of Washington, Environmental and Forest Sciences Librarian; Maureen Nolan, University of Washington, Head, Friday Harbor Library, Marine and Environmental Sciences Librarian; Matthew Parsons, University of Washington, Acting Head, Map Collection Geospatial Data & Maps Librarian / ESS & Atmospheric Sciences Librarian
1:45pm 8.2: The National Meteorological Library of Germany: Balancing Traditional Library Services and the Creation of a Digital Collection within a European Context
Britta Bolzmann, National Meteorological Library of Germany, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Offenbach, Germany
2:00pm 8.3: Translations and the Air Force Cambridge Research Labs at Hanscom: Discoverability in a Digital Age
Christine Sherratt, MIT Libraries
2:15pm 8.4:  PARR and the NOAA IR
Stanley Elswick, NOAA Central Library
2:30pm 8.5: How the National Technical Information Service is Evolving and the Implications for the Atmospheric Sciences
Elise Gowen, Earth, Energy, and Mineral Sciences Librarian, and Angela R. Davis, Engineering Liaison Librarian, Penn State University
2:45pm 8.6: Goddard Library Renovation Completed!
Gene Major, Library Associates, NASA/GSFC Library
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Session 8 (cont.):
8.7:  Celebrating 100 Years of AMS

Jinny Nathans, AMS Librarian and Curator
3:45pm Session 9: Celebrating 20 years of the Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) organization
Panel: Judie Triplehorn; Doria Grimes; Maria Latyszewskyj; Amy Butros
4:00pm Session 10: ASLI Business Meeting
5:00pm 97th AMS Annual Meeting adjourns

Friday, January 27, 2017
Annual ASLI Field Trip

8:30am-2:30pm Annual ASLI Field Trip
Shannon and Wilson – Environmental Consulting Firm, Chocolate Factory, EPA Library.  Cost approx. $25 (Not included in registration)