2018 Conference Program

21st Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International Conference
Austin, TX   January 8-9, 2018
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“Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences”

View the program with abstracts and recorded presentations at the AMS website

Monday, January 8, 2018
ASLI program, Vendor Updates and dinner
Austin Convention Center. Room: 3

8:00am On site Registration
8:45am Plenary Session: Conference Introduction
Program Chair: Frederick Stoss, Science and Engineering Information Center Oscar A. Silverman Library Arts & Sciences Libraries,
SUNY, Buffalo, NY
9:00am Session 1: AMS Update
Moderator: Jinny Nathans, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA

1.1: AMS Publications: The Year in Review and Forecast for 2018
Ken Heideman, AMS, Director of Publications

9:15am 1.2: AMS Books Program
Sarah Jane Shangraw, AMS Books Managing Editor
9:30am 1.3: AMS Monographs: The Changing Publishing Landscape
Mike Friedman, AMS Journals Production Manager
9:45am Session 2: MGA Update

2.1: ProQuest Atmospheric Science Collection & MGA Database and Legacy
Paula McCoy, Managing Editor, Science and Taxonomy

10:00am Break
10:30am Keynote Session: Climate Change in Changing Times
Katherine Heyhoe, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX
12:00pm Lunch
2:00pm Session 3: International Perspectives and Observation

3.1: Delivering Best Practices of ICT for Youth in Agricultural Development
Ratih Nawangwulan, Wageningen Univ. and Research Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands

2:30pm 3.2: Importance of Weather Forecasting for Climate-Smart Agriculture
Kirit Shelat, National Council for Climate Change, Ahmedabad, India
3:00pm 3.3: Water Conservation Irrigation Practices for More Produce out of Crops
Saripalli SuryaNarayan, Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers, Mumbai, India
3:30am Session 4: ASLI Choice Book Awards
4:15pm Break and Formal Poster Viewing
5:30pm Sessions end for the day
7:00pm Annual ASLI Dinner
At Austin Taco Project
Please RSVP with Aldean Kilbourn via email or 907-460-1419

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
ASLI Program
Austin Convention Center. Room: 3

8:00am One day on-site Registration
8:30am Plenary Session:  Social Gathering
9:00am Keynote Session: Challenges for Libraries and Librarians in Times of Change
Loriene Roy, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX
10:00am Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
10:30am Session 5: Librarians Responding to Changes and Challenges

5.1: Libraries and Librarians Assisting Communities with Disaster Preparedness Planning
Frederick Stoss, SUNY, Buffalo, NY

11:00am 5.2: Response and Resiliency: Challenges in the Aftermath of a Disaster
Joyce Shaw, Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS
11:30am 5.3: AMS Career Development Services and Resources for Librarians
Scott M. Mackaro, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 6: Libraries’ and Librarians’ Innovative Responses to Changes

6.1: One Message, Many Platforms: Communicating NOAA Research through Library Outreach
Sarah Davis, NOAA Central Library, Silver Spring, MD; and J. Fagan-Fry and J. Rey
1:50pm 6.2: Pushing the Limits: Promoting Informal STEM Learning in Public Libraries
Jennifer Wilhelm, Bryan and College Station Public Library System, College Station, TX
2:10pm 6.3: Cloudy with a Chance of Deterioration: Maintaining Historical Climate Data on Microfilm
Jamie Roberts, NOAA Central Library, Silver Spring, MD
3:00pm Session 7: ASLI Business Meeting
3:45am Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break