27th ASLI Conference – January 2024

Presentations and recordings are available from the AMS conference website.

The 27th Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) Conference will be held 28 January – 1 February 2024, in Baltimore, MD, in conjunction with the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) 104th Annual Meeting. For this conference, sessions will be virtual and in-person (hybrid format). The theme for the 104th AMS Annual Meeting is “Living in a Changing Environment.”

Call for Papers
For the 2024 conference and in alignment with the AMS theme, ASLI is focusing on the changing scope of science librarianship. This includes changes to librarianship through services offered, changes in collections, and even changes in collaboration. The nature of the librarian role is to evolve to meet user needs in a changing environment.

ASLI is particularly interested in proposals related to:

  • Library Tools and Tips
    • As a perennial favorite, these short talks are opportunities to describe any tool or innovation members have found useful. Talks on technology failures and lessons learned are especially welcome, as are proposals from students using innovative strategies around information.
  • Science Librarianship 101
    • This session will involve looking to the future of the profession and cover a wide range of science librarianship-related topics.
  • Changes in Collections
    • This session will focus on the changing landscape of science collections.
  • Keys to the TRAIL (Technical Report Archive and Image Library)
    • Some of the most underutilized materials in academic libraries are older U.S. government agency technical reports. This session looks at TRAIL and other collaborative resources relevant to science librarians.

We welcome papers on any aspect of these topics (or any other topics of interest to atmospheric science and general STEM librarianship) including best practices, diversity, equity, or inclusion issues, collection development, and addressing innovative methods of providing service during the pandemic and post-pandemic eras.

ASLI will again co-sponsor Joint Sessions with the AMS Board (EIPT) on Data Stewardship. Papers that describe innovative technological advances, curation and preservation of data, and solutions that help us understand and meet data needs in the field are most welcome.


1. Proposal abstracts should be 200 words or less. Include names and affiliations of authors and the abstract title.

2. Only oral presentations are accepted – see **NEW** note below regarding poster presentations.

3. Oral presentations will be approximately 10 minutes in length, with 5 minutes for questions and answers.

4. Deadline: 24 August 2023 (There WILL NOT be an extension for this conference call for papers).

**NEW** (for 2024)
Want to submit a poster presentation?
Please consider submitting your abstract to one of our co-hosting conferences (Click their respective links to view library- and information science-related sessions topics):
33rd Conference on Education
40th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies (EIPT) – AMS Board on Data Stewardship

Additional Information:

Contact conference chairs (below) or consult ASLI listserv for ASLI specific registration information.  Early registration is open until December 1.  Registration is from December 2 to January 27; followed by late registration. (Refer to Important Dates).

Questions / Comments / Concerns?
Contact this year’s program chairpersons:
ASLI Chair – Ashley Orehek-Rossi (amorehek@gmail.com)
ASLI Vice-Chair – Denise Wetzel (daw5086@psu.edu)