The 26th Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) Conference will be held 8 – 12 January 2023 in Denver, CO, in conjunction with the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Annual Meeting. For this conference, sessions will be virtual and in-person. The theme for the 103rd AMS Annual Meeting is “Data: Driving Science, Informing Decisions, Enriching Humanity”
With this theme, the AMS has organized the Annual Meeting theme around six pillars:
1) Data driving scientific inquiry
2) Data transforming education and training and bridging disciplines
3) Data advancing racial and socioeconomic justice, equity, and visibility
4) Data shaping environmental attitude and behavior
5) Data integrating public-private-academic partnerships
6) Data powering economic growth
For the 2023 conference and in alignment with the AMS theme, ASLI is focusing on research data management and the data lifecycle. This Annual Meeting theme is particularly applicable to ASLI because librarians are increasingly becoming more proactive in the various stages of research within their respective disciplines, whether conducting their own or supporting another’s. The nature of the librarian role is to evolve to meet user needs, ultimately serving as liaisons within their communities.
ASLI will again include the popular session, “Technology Tools and Tips.” These short talks are opportunities to describe any tool or innovation members have found useful. Talks on technology failures and lessons learned are especially welcome, as are proposals from students using innovative strategies around information.
We welcome papers on any aspect of these topics or any other topics of interest to atmospheric science librarianship including best practices, diversity, equity, or inclusion issues, collection development, and addressing innovative methods of providing service during the pandemic and post-pandemic eras.
ASLI will again co-sponsor a Joint Session with the AMS Board (EIPT) on Data Stewardship. Papers that describe innovative technological advances, curation and preservation of data, and solutions that help us understand and meet data needs in the field are most welcome.
Please contact the ASLI program co-chairpersons Ashley Orehek ( or Joyce Shaw ( if you would like to propose a session topic, panel, or poster for this conference. Please submit presentation proposal abstracts of 200 words or less to the ASLI program co-chairs. In most cases, presentations are 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Longer presentations will be considered as well. Please include names of authors, their affiliations, and title of the session.